Why trade Cryptocurrencies with Aitradexpro?


No Exchange account

Spread Betting and trading CFDs allows you to take advantage of price moves without having to open an exchange account.


Go Long or Short

As you don’t own any assets you are free to trade on both rising and falling prices through our platforms.


Tax Efficient Trading

Profits are exempt from Stamp Duty.


Market Updates

Analysts provide you with the latest news and updates allowing you to discover new trading opportunities.

Cryptocurrency trading costs

View our spreads and trading costs for the most popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin.

View our full trading costs

Market Min Spread Min Size
Bitcoin (USD) Variable 10p
Ethereum Market Spread plus 8 10p
Litecoin Market Spread plus 6
Ripple Market Spread plus 0.02 10p
Bitcoin Cash Market Spread plus 10 10p
Award-winning TraderPro platform

Choice of platforms

With advanced technology, we ensure you never miss a Cryptocurrency trading opportunity.

Queen ForexrPro

Our proprietary award-winning trading platform, engineered for opportunity.

Aitradexpro MT4

We are a leading US provider of MT4, with fast execution and competitive pricing.

*Due to regulatory changes, cryptocurrency trading is only available to Professional clients at Aitradexpro.